lauantai 30. elokuuta 2014

Diversity makes people grow - Diversity management -kesäkurssin ennakkotehtävä.

Diversity can be the key to Finland's success in the future. Diversity can be an increasingly important success factor in business and working life. In Daytime centers without thresholds, Aurinkoinen Hymy and Symppis, diversity is part of everyday life. Daytime activitiesies focus on providing customers with social and health advice, as well as controlled drug addicts and the mentally ill in gaining access to various social and health care systems. Daytime activity centers are primarily intended for drug-dependents and/or people suffering from mental problems and to their next of kin. Our work team consists of nurses, practical nurses and social workers as well as a variety of related, payed employees.

Eastern Helsinki substance abuse day center is an important part of the local services. The need for the operation is obvious. Day center location and how it is implemented in practice, should be considered carefully. Neither of Aurinkoinen Hymy and Kontulan Symppis are responsible for their and staff to meet this challenge at the moment. Daytime centers offer customers the opportunity to eat breakfast, rest, bathe and use the leisure facilities. In the daytime centers people can read the daily newspaper, watch TV, go to the gym and play. There are five customer computers. Daytime center's mission is to promote rehabilitation and daily activities for drug addicts and/or mentally ill residents of Helsinki, as well as securing the basic needs, guidance and counseling. The aim is also to reduse social exclusion, promote social inclusion and reduce the harm from substance use, as well as promote rehabilitation. The specified important values are: customer orientation, inclusiveness, equality, security and transparency.

Daytime centers are under the banner of Helsinki Health and Social Agency. For Social Affairs and Health, the agency's basic task explains in clear terms how an agency serves all of the inhabitants of Helsinki. Similarly, the City of Helsinki is prepared in accordance with the basic task. Priorities are based on the values and support the basic task. The daytime activity centers are part of public organization, which is clearly reflected in the strategy map, and strategy work. The strategy does not seek to earn profit, but to produce efficiently and economically the social and health services for the residents of the municipality. This is also my job every day and part of the promotion of diversity in Helsinki. Although you can´t find the concept of diversity directly from the strategies of the City of Helsinki.

Everyone must be involved in building the society. Individuals and the society, the balance of rights and obligations to promote social sustainability. (Raivio and Karjalainen) A major goal of the daytime activity centers is to promote social sustainability and rehabilitation, as well as the ability to maintain the drug-dependent part in the society, valuing the customer, exactly as he is. This may mean, for example, that the client is Symppis or Aurinkoinen Hymy. To participate in the activities or not, depends on his or her own interests. Each one is given the space to choose how to participate. Participation and community are good partners of diversity. They promote, but also give an understanding of diversity and the opportunity to discuss about difficult issues will improve.

Customers can apply for daytime centers Symppis or Aurinkoinen Hymy, which are centers of low-threshold services and principles, without a referral and an appointment. Services can also be used anonymously. Daytime centers have zero tolerance for violence, and drugs can´t be used in the premises of the daytime centers. The age limit is 18 years. If these rules are broken, controlled by the client, the person is out of the scope of the service, at least during that day.

Diversity surrounds me, when I'm at work. Day activities of the people participating are from different cultures and various health reasons forced the labor market. Also, supervisors and other employees consist of different kinds of people. Some of the workers are special. Many workers have been unemployed for a long time. Some are old drug users and they have not worked for a long time, because of their health problems or because of some other special issues, such as a spectrum of diseases, former long-term unemployment, employed with a physical and mental illness. Several workers also have a great need for social support. The management of the Daytime activities center requires human resources management, organizational skills and the ability to be part of membership of the Community and to confront the variety of everyday challenges together with the staff.

I do not claim that everyone who works in daytime centers, concentrates on their own growth and development. It does not matter if you make no mistakes in your work, but if the workplace and the workers do. Is this the correct way to help the people? I've heard an argument, that employees who are familiar with the values and are treated fairly, are more motivated. That’s something I try to remember every day, when I work in the Daytime activity centers. In a diverse workplace, trust and open dialogue are essential. Otherwise, we can´t understand each other and work together to help others.

Managing diversity at the workplace also means agreement on various limits. For example, one constant thought is how the staff should deviate from the customers. One clear policy is that customers can rehabilitate and take care of their things in daytime activity centers, for example, by means of group activities. The staff dealing with any substance abuse or mental health treatment contacts is controlled out of the workplace, so that they can focus on working.

I see diversity in many ways in my work and I learn something about diversity every day. People who use our services are different substance abusers with different backgrounds. World horror appears on a daily basis, when clients tell us, for example, about their traumas. One must always remember to think positively about the work, and remember, that the workmates will support. Diversity is a challenge that will challenge me to learn. At the same time, diversity brings special kind of content into the job, which I like very much. For this reason, I want to cherish the diversity of our work community’s richness.

One of the ongoing topics is secrecy diverse group. When people trust each other, trust is worth to rustle. However, what they tell me as the supervisor, is often so sensitive that My job is to create confidence, so that the employees can lean on me, if necessary. The obligation of secrecy has a variety of dimensions. As a supervisor, I am bound to secrecy under. In addition, the client work involves secrecy, so confidentiality binds all daytime activity center employees.
Still Human rights is so complicated and difficult to get in action. When you are working as a social worker, and try to help the long-term unemployed to find work, you need to understand the differences. I think today one of the most important things in my work is to manage the diversity and guide employees on their way of work life. One of the most important things, is the atmosphere of equality and non-discrimination.

Finnish Government’s priority goals are to minimize poverty, inequality and exclusion, and fiscal consolidation and to support sustainable economic growth, employment and competitiveness. (Stubb 2014) The aim is clear at a general level, but we need actions and steps on how we can make diversity work. Stubb’s government does not mention the word diversity at all. That´s think diversity is part of future and it sould be mention coverments goals and it should come a politically used term. In fact, I have experienced that diversity has brought a lot of new perspectives into my life and a taste of life.

The aim of social policy should be sustainable well-being. Care for people and the environment and economic stability lays the foundation for the sustainable development of the small everyday acts as the global decision-making. In the present time it will be to question the ethics of choices, environmental aspects, humanity, and the ability to act fairly and to influence the choice of controlling the market economy. Fairness issues are global in a bad way. The sense of community and peace must be secured for all citizens of the world.

Workers in both daytime activity centers represent a number of minorities from different cultures. This challenges me to ask out loud things that astound. For example, cases that raise eyebrows as braying, attitudes and ways of action have changed the understanding of where they are discussed. At times it is also important to limit the discussions in the working groups in order to discuss real issues, as well as the direction in which the work will be developed, as diversity is a topic that my work can´t handle too much.

I believe that the labor market will develop in the future and the complexities of this particular debate will happen at workplaces rather than in the public debate. We must prepare ourselves for a more diverse world, and it should be done by the Finnish Government. Finnish law also says (the Employment Contracts Act 2001), the employer must treat all employees equally, and no one shall be placed in a different position to other descent, religion, age, political or trade union activities, or for any other reason. It is one of the reasons why we need to do large-scale cooperation, and expose ourselves to towards the growth of a more diverse life.

I understand that prejudice is part of humanity, but prejudice is reduced only by the fact that people interact with each other and get to know each other as well as the other way of life. For example, I feel that I have learned in my work a lot about the novel Finland when we have discussed the culture of attitudes and ways of life. I feel that the novel culture of gender equality work progresses, Finnish Romans livelihood was lost, urbanization, and now the new generations, for example, are looking for ways to get involved in the working life.

Daily activities take into account the fact that people are different. Daytime centers are a form of service, which are provided to customers by their own social community. The goal is to support everyday life, the rhythm of life, and the formation of content. The centers host a variety of leisure activities and peer groups. When we plan our weekly program, we want it to give activities to different people. At the moment, our weekly program includes physical activities, such as football, swimming and floorball, as well as manual skills, jewelery making, acupuncture, various discussion groups, and doing jigsaw puzzles. Many visitors may participate in our activities, though not all activities, at least not yet. Our goal is to encourage everyone to find a ‘yes’ kind of doing, where you can experience success.

We think that social participation in daytime centers may initially be just the fact that the customer is having breakfast. From this inclusion it is supported to grow and help customers to find some content into their lives, as well as rehabilitation. We estimate our customers situations and constantly guide them within the scope of assistance, depending on what their need for assistance is. We can make comprehensive assessments of the need for treatment, where we discover the customer's physical, mental and social situation and we will make a management plan in cooperation with the multi-professional staff.

I feel that one rarely learns about life and understands it as much as when debating with the working group, steering group, or in some other context, as different people seek different new solutions. I've decided to challenge myself to lifelong learning, so that I'm going to feel free to get there, which is not familiar to me, and I will try diversity management in the future, so that I will be dealing with as many different social and health care professionals as possible.

I hope that the future of daytime centers, manpower and multi-professional co-operation will be part of our daily life. Health and social counseling skills enhancement should also reduce the specialized care expenses. One way could be to have closer cooperation with the doctor and nurse at the Eastern substance abuse clinic. This health care would help the people in need to receive it easier. The doctor’s straight acute counseling organization would be desirable. Other important partners could be the social and health workers, housing advice, detoxication department, deacon and debt counseling.

In the future, it would be great if the daytime centers could provide a wide range of services to different people, aimed at reducing the harm of drug use. Examples of these services are the opportunity to exchange clean needles and syringes, control, drug use, harm reduction, HIV and hepatitis testing, hepatitis vaccinations, wound treatments, as well as support for co-housing with support. The quality of life of the minority drug users could be improved to reduce this phenomenon, as well as the adverse environmental effects.

The second steering group aims to focus on job creation related employment things and coherence. This working group is intended to bring different kinds of people who work in the City of Helsinki among the employed. The second steering group will consider the low-threshold daily activities and call the doctor, nurse, or other professionals. This allows us to develop people's day centers of activity centers, which provide guidance and advice to support the people.

Preventing the adverse effects of work has a number of moral motives. One important aspect is the fact that my work is dealing with the essence of human health, the promotion of respect for humanity. Appreciate With some treatment and day activities, we can increase customer confidence and authority. Trust is the base in working with sick people and in discussing with them. Drawbacks to reduce the aspect of the invention, we can promote a drug-dependent human guiding them towards the treatment, such as opiate substitution circuit, or prevent Hepatitis and HIV infections. The damage limitation work does not conflict with the work of rehabilitation. It may be the first step towards the work of rehabilitation.

Finnish society’s particular strength is the fact that people are cared for. In my work it is important to understand that we are part of the society's well-being services. In our society, a dignifying life must be safeguarded at all times. It is therefore essential that the ministries of practical strategies put into practice every day the aim to increase the welfare of the people. This society is evolving. At the same time, there is a need for dialogue and communication with our experienced practical workers and government departments, so that thinking and programming can evolve in time.

In emergency situations, the society should help people, and daytime activity centers are part of this system. A properly sized social security is the strength of society. The well-being of a society must be achieved in both social and economic goals, without forgetting environmental goals. Social security increases people's well-being by supporting the health and functional capacity, providing security in changing life situations, strengthening social cohesion and the stability of the social conditions. One form of work, which would require resourcing.

The service control has maintained or improved client functioning, independence, health and community. The aim of the guidance service is to 1) identify the customer's individual needs 2) to arrange the services and support available resources allowed for his client, and 3) guide them who needs help to other services. Personal case management is the most prominent feature of counseling, coordination and advocacy.

Diversity can lead to challenges in operation. For example, my work is so different in each day. Focus on the means and consistent diversity management is important and that diversity management is successful and well-being is maintained. Each member of the workplace is prone on the management and should be prepared to evaluate themselves and to share about themselves a little with the working group. This provides the whole work community the opportunity to grow. In a diverse workplace, there are places to talk together, and various small groups. For example, all who are working as practical nurses have their own meetings. Thus nurses are also the so-called work support to each other. Then general meetings are for anyone who works at Aurinkoinen Hymy or Symppis.

One of the important terms in my work is customer orientation. It ensures that the customer is encountered and supported so that he is an active participant in his life. Customer orientation is the value of the foundation. Each and every customer is encountered with dignity as an individual, regardless of the ability to function. I think that the services are not going to contain only the organizations. One situation is a community meeting where all clients and the staff have the opportunity to participate in the planning of the activities. Customer orientation does not mean that we always work as the client says, and without that we consider our own resources. Customer orientation means that we want to listen and we will arrange situations where a customer can take an active role. We also want to develop the customer work and appreciate their opinions.

I think the most important thing is that we show dignity to everyone. You don´t need to earn it. It belongs to each and each of us. Keeping your mind open and realizing that the minorities are also individuals. It helps to give the opportunity to different people. Even if the previous experiences about the same culture would have been bad. You have to get over the bad experiences, and I think everyone should try to keep an open mind, because each of us have some kind of relation to the minority.

I think non-discrimination and equality efforts are unclear objectives in practice. Too often the practical work will be discussed in this law. I have seen that people’s attitudes change. When I agreed with the representative of a minority in a work interview, one part of our working group wanted to tell me about their experiences on this minority. After we had a discussion, and the representative of the minority was hired to work, attitudes changed. Someone even said that maybe this is an exception. When this minority group member began to work with us, the most prejudiced one became his good friend. In fact, I thought that it prejudice employee may have learned something important.

I think that diversity management is the future of Finland, because we need to get the various minorities, young people and the long-term unemployed better involved into working life. We need understanding between people as well as encountering of different people, if we want to develop towards a pluralistic world. Every human being has dignity, so the human being should be first. We have to let diversity to increase us.


Contracts of Employment law:
Raivio, H. & J. Karjalainen, 2002, Inclusion Promotion Unit. Network Document. . Read 19.08.2014.